Learn how to protect your real estate assets. One out of twelve people gets sued every year.
A title-holding trust allows the property owner to anonymously maintains all rights over the property and direct the actions of the land trust. These trusts are also commonly called 'Illinois land trusts' because they were first popularized in Chicago during the 1800s. At that time, property owners were not allowed to vote on city projects in the same places they owned land. To circumvent this law, wealthy businessmen and politicians would use land trusts to purchase land anonymously, thereby protecting their voting rights.
Not all 50 states have a legal structure in place for a title-holding land trust. However, most states defer to the Illinois land trust laws if they don't have their own, meaning that any individual can form an 'Illinois-style' land trust in any state with proper legal guidance.
What you'll get:
- Warranty Deed to Trustee
- Agreement & Declaration of Trust
- Appointment of Successor Trustee
- Assignment of Beneficial Interest
- Resignation of Trustee
- Certificate of Resignation of Trustee
- Brief document explanation video
Learn how to properly place your house in a residential trust. It doesn't matter how many properties you own. Protect them all.
" Own nothing, but control everything ". John D. Rockefeller